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Dec 24, 2021
Portugal guarantees the ‘right to rest’
An amendment to Portugal’s labour code is designed to protect work-life balance by introducing a “right to rest”.

Oct 10, 2021
Black women win property rights after divorce
Four South African women have successfully overturned a set of archaic marriage laws that denied women equal property rights after divorce.

Aug 31, 2021
Taking down the dams
When the Elwha River dams fell, it followed decades of successful partnerships to support local indigenous tribes to right historic wrongs.

Jun 20, 2021
Saving Egyptian women from sextortion
Mohammed Elyamani is using Facebook to confront those who have for many years been sexually exploiting thousands of women across Egypt.

Mar 16, 2021
Solar helps women escape sex-for-fish trap
With her new solar light, a stallholder in Kenya can catch her own fish at night rather than buy from fishermen who only sell fish for sex.

Feb 8, 2021
The police don't have to take every call
Another US city is reporting early success with a program that replaces police with health care workers for some emergency calls.

Dec 11, 2020
Transgender Christians form their own church
Pakistan’s Christian transgenders — often mocked, abused and bullied — have finally found some peace and solace in a church of their own.

Sep 10, 2020
Sudan separates church and state
Sudan’s transitional government has agreed to separate ‘church and state’, ending three decades of Islamic rule in the North African nation.

Aug 5, 2020
Iowa restores ex-prisoner voting rights
Iowa’s governor has signed an executive order that automatically reinstates the voting rights of Iowans who have completed their sentences.

Apr 24, 2020
Political novices end a state gerrymander
A new independent commission will soon redraw fairer boundaries to correct a flaw that has caused electoral disenfranchisement in Michigan.

Apr 17, 2020
Nature is more than just property
The mayor of the Blue Mountains — west of Sydney — is pushing for the Rights of Nature to make it onto the council’s legislative agenda.

Mar 3, 2020
A win for women in India's military
India’s Supreme Court has ordered the national government to grant career prospects to women officers on par with men.

Feb 23, 2020
Peach is not the only skin colour
Bellen Woodard never thought a single moment in school would see strangers across the US talking about race and identity and childhood.

Feb 8, 2020
Finland boosts parental leave
From 2021, Finland will significantly increase parental leave.

Jan 16, 2020
Veganism a protected right
Veganism has been deemed a philosophical belief to be protected by law.

Dec 31, 2019
Safeguarding online privacy
From 2020, Californians will gain “unprecedented rights” to control the information tech companies — often unknowingly — gather on them.

Dec 3, 2019
LGBTQ suicide rates fall
Since Sweden and Denmark introduced same-sex marriage, rates of suicide have fallen remarkably in the LGBTQ community.

Nov 4, 2019
Taiwan Pride celebrates marriage vote
Hundreds of thousands of people took to the streets of Taipei for the first pride parade since Taiwan legalised gay marriage.

Oct 24, 2019
Human rights for elephants?
In a case that may set a legal precedent, lawyers in New York have argued an elephant should be afforded similar rights to humans.

Oct 12, 2019
Female footy fans score
After more than four decades, women are able to enter football stadiums in Iran.
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